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Cours d'anglais kids et formations intensives Institut Americain ...
1 500  DH

TEMARA ET REGIONS UNIQUEMENT A CETTE ADRESSE A TEMARA CENTRE. Dear Parents, Do you want your children to use their Free time in the best way possible? The #American #Language Institute of Temara is happy to present to you a unique #opportunity for your children to learn English during the summer season in a #fun way! This #summer, we will be offering different sessions of #English-for #children (5-13) who are #motivated to learn the world’s most important language. Our #program is the best in #Morocco because our #methods produce #results! Their English will improve #greatly—#guaranteed! Don’t miss out this unique opportunity—#sign up #today! Telephone: 05 37 64 01 82 / 05 37 64 33 07 06 10 56 56 16 Website:
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Type d'annonceCours et formations
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time icon   1 an 9 mois 12 j 21 h 22 min